The Politics of Science

Описание к видео The Politics of Science

Have you ever wondered about your place in the cosmos? What is our universe expanding into? Why are we even here?

At Lowell42 we'll delve into deep questions like these. Our goal is to connect you to "life, the Universe and everything." (Many of you will recall that in Douglas Adams’s comical novel “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” the super computer came up with 42 as the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything.)

Lowell Public Program Supervisor Kevin White will speak about interactions between science and politics during his talk “The Politics of Science: Connections in the Past and Future.” He will explore question like: What should the role of science be in the political system? What role does politics play and should politics play in science? Do science and politics influence each other in subtle ways that we might not expect?


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