Titan Quest _ Deadly Thrower _ Dualwield Throw Weapon Assassin Build

Описание к видео Titan Quest _ Deadly Thrower _ Dualwield Throw Weapon Assassin Build

Style: Deadly Thrower - Dualwield Throw Weapon
Class: Assassin (Warfare + Rogue)
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition include Ragnarok & Atlantis.
Game version: 2.9.2
Game speed: Very Fast
Difficulty Mode: Legendary
Custom Map: x-max-atlantis-x10 by garus
Group potions by TQVault.
Character Add-on MOD: Fallen Gods v0.8 (Bastet) - nargil66 - titanquestfans.net.

Gears added 2 relics/charms using in video are gears with "of the tinkerer" suffix that only drop/sell in Atlantis DLC's map. "of the tinkerer" suffix allowed added 2 different relics/charms into item.

This Dualwield throw weapon Assassin is not really impressive on dualwield abilities since it only get benefit Dualwield skill of Warfare and sometime "Double" Lethal Strike in one cast (you can check it clearer in this video:    • Titan Quest Anniversary Edition _ Thi...  ). If don't using Blade Barrier and Poison Gas Bomb, the clear crowd abilitty of this build is quite poor.

My Titan Quest's Discord channel:   / discord  
(If the invited link expired, just noticed me so i can update the new one, thank!)

You can see other builds here:
Xmod Builds:    • Titan Quest Anniversary Edition _ Xmo...  
Single game no mod builds (for any builds that not works well enough with xmod):    • TQ-AE _ Builds _ Single  
How to do somethings in TQ: AE:    • TQ _ How to ...  
How to easily farming bosses in M4ssboss3s custom map:    • Titan Quest Anniversary Edition - Eas...  
Tartarus Arena challenge:    • TQ-AE_Tartarus_Challenge  

0:00 Start
0:18 Eldr Fields
0:54 Surtrs
1:55 Lower Olympus
3:17 Typhons
3:50 Palace of Hades
8:05 Disnomyon - Machae High Generals
10:49 Warden of Soul
11:07 The Night Mistress - Empusa Heroes
11:30 Dactyl
11:54 Hades
13:06 City of Rhodes
13:41 Secret Passage
14:40 Toxeus
15:36 Character stats, gears, skills.


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