What is the treatment complex perianal fistulas? - Dr. Rajasekhar M R

Описание к видео What is the treatment complex perianal fistulas? - Dr. Rajasekhar M R

Fistula is a tract with a minimum of 2 openings and thus will be forming inside and through the tracts it will be coming outside. In that there is a simple fistula and a complex fistula. Simple fistula there is one internal opening and one external opening and usually at a lower level. No other extension and that is called as simple fistula and there is no need for surgery. If there is requirement of surgery, multiple branches, higher level of extensions, multiple openings are called as complex fistula. Why you have classified as simple and a complex fistula is because the surgery is simple and the recurrence rate is also low, whereas complex fistulas the recurrence rate is quite high specially if it is not done in a centre where there are lot of cases of fistulae and all the experience required to tackle the complex fistulas. so complex fistulas are preferably done by experienced surgeons, preferably proctologists or colorectal surgeons in a unit where all the facilities are available, with different modes of treatment, for complex fistulas. There are different approaches available. Each has got its own benefits and drawbacks and the surgeons who are practising each procedure they have better results in their own hands. the fact that there are multiple number of surgeries available for a complex fistula, it shows that nothing is perfect and it will not guarantee the the fistulas wont recur though it will reduce the incidence rate and reduce the healing period by certain procedures. So complex fistulas. Or in general fistulas are treated by surgery alone to give a cure.


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