Pete And His Bus, Episode 49: Wine52 and what else can go wrong?

Описание к видео Pete And His Bus, Episode 49: Wine52 and what else can go wrong?

This time on Pete And His Bus I really struggle with the reliability of 2355 and 2634! Hopefully all their commercial appointments can be made amongst all the issues. The feature car this time is a 1939 Lancia Aprila and the sponsor of this particular episode is Wine52.

For a free case of wine check out: and cover just £9.95 postage to get three beautiful wines delivered straight to your door.

A massive thank you goes out to: wine52, Adam Singer, Lord Barrington, Simon Parle, Bruital Fruit, Mel, Raccoon and of course all of you!

For my details and my merchandise check out:

About Pete And His Bus: Pete is a normal (ish) guy who has a big passion for old vehicles and particularly old buses. He is NOT a trained mechanic nor is he a professional restorer. He enjoys converting vehicles but he can not promise that what he is doing is going to work on your vehicle. Nor can he promise that you won’t harm yourself if you were you to attempt the things he does. He recommends that you are safe and responsible with machinery and equipment even if you’ve seen him messing about with it. A workshop and it’s content can be a dangerous place. If you are in doubt about your own vehicle, contact a professional for advice.


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