De Havilland Chipmunk aerobatics pilot view from cockpit

Описание к видео De Havilland Chipmunk aerobatics pilot view from cockpit

Practicing my aerobatics routine on a beautiful day south of Tāmaki Makaurau in Aotearoa New Zealand. Aircraft is ZK-SAX callsign Chipmunk 51, owned by a syndicate of pilots at the New Zealand Warbirds Association.

Routine starts as I cross the display line (dirt road) about a minute in. Start 2000 feet / 120 knots and min altitude 1500 feet.

Figures are 1/4 clover R, 1/4 clover L, stall turn R, wingover, aileron roll, wingover, barrel roll, reverse 1/2 Cuban, aileron roll then a max rate turn.

Shot on a GoPro Hero 6 Black using a GoPro Bite Mount. The Chipmunk's cockpit is pretty snug and the canopy frame are very close to the pilot. I've previously tried a head mount (just showed canopy frame) and a chest mount (just showed instrument panel) but this one was just right. Mount tethered via a lanyard to prevent loose objects in the cockpit.

#aerobatics #airplane #aeroplane #warbird #newzealand #dehavilland #dehavillandchipmunk


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