Men that are avoidant attachment styles

Описание к видео Men that are avoidant attachment styles

Many of us in the Black community grew up in broken and dysfunctional homes, and the trauma and patterns we experienced as children deeply impact how we relate in relationships as adults. For many men, the absence of a father who modeled a healthy relationship with women has left them without a clear example of how to treat their partners. The same is true for many women. Absent fathers often lead to more avoidant men and anxious women, continuing cycles of pain and disconnection.

Our parents’ unhealed wounds often get passed down to us, but as adults, it’s our responsibility to seek healing and repair. If we continue to operate from these unhealed wounds and survival mechanisms, we’ll keep repeating the same damaging patterns, creating broken homes and more pain.

Cam Newton’s words reflect a common struggle—men avoiding deep connection out of fear, leading to single moms and broken homes. The solution isn’t in blaming men or women, but in taking responsibility for our own healing. By confronting our trauma and egos, we can break these cycles and restore love and reciprocity to our communities and families.

#HealingTheWounds #BlackCommunity #BreakTheCycle #LoveAndReciprocity #TraumaHealing #SelfResponsibility #BlackLove #ConsciousRelationships #FathersMatter


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