Cara Semai Cabe Rawit Anti Gagal Hanya 2 Hari Sudah Tumbuh Daun, Tanam Setelah Sprout

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Cara Semai Cabe Rawit Anti Gagal 2 Hari Sudah Tumbuh Daun, Tanam Setelah Sprout

Penyemaian cabe rawit termasuk dibilang susah susah gampang, karna banyak sekali petani, gagal dalam penyemaian.. penyemaian yang baik akan memperngaruhi masa depan cabe tersebut..

Banyak sekali yang gagal dalam proses peneyemaian cabe, seperti, Cabe layu, Cabe Busuk Batang, Cabe Menguning, Ataupun Cabe Tidak Sprout Atau Cabe Tidak Tumbuh Akar...

Oleh sebab itu, dari pada semai cabe Rawit maupun Keriting dan sering gagal saat nyemainya.. mungkin sedikit share ilmu dari kami kepada temen temen semua... Agar mempermudah proses penyemaian untuk lebih cepat melihat perkembangannya...

Ga mau kan ? coba nanem biji cabe di tanah ataupun cocopeat.. udah capek capek nyiram pagi dan sore... eh hasilnya ga kelihatan menjelang 15 harian... hal itu sangat menjengkelkan sekali kan....

jika lau suka dengan video ini jangan lupa klik LIKEnya ya Temen temen,,, dan klik tombol subscribe, serta klik tombol loncengnya juga.. Agar mengetahui update an tentang cabe kita ini.. Share jika bermanfaat ya :)

Terima kasih sudah menonton :)


The seeding of cayenne includes arguably difficult difficulty, because there are so many farmers, failing in seeding ... good seeding will affect the future of the chili ..

There are so many that are dangerous in the process of finding chillies, such as, withered chillies, rotten chili peppers, yellowing peppers, or peppers not sprouts or peppers not growing roots ...

Therefore, from the seedlings of chili rawit and curly and often fail when they are seeded ... maybe a little share of knowledge from us to friends of all friends ... For an easy process to more quickly see its development ...

Don't want it right? try to sow the chilli seeds on the ground or cocopeat ... already tired of tiredness in the morning and sick ... eh don't keep up your face 15 days ... it is very annoying first right ...

if you like this video, don't forget to click LIKE, friend, friend, and click the subscribe button, and click the bell button too ... In order to know about this update about our chili ... Share it if it's useful, yes :)

Thank you for watching :


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