Send Me - The Morphis Family

Описание к видео Send Me - The Morphis Family

Written by Shawna Edwards and Daniel blomberg
Performed by The Morphis Family


The field is white all around us
The Lord of the harvest calls
Who will work to bring one soul onto Him for nighttime falls
Who will offer hope to the hopeless
Give light to a world so lost
For this is the day, this is the hour, this is the work of God.
Here are my hands to lift the lonely
Here is my voice to teach the way
Here is my heart oh Lord please make it more like thine I pray
All of the courage I can summon
Each drop of faith that I can bring
All that I have to give I offer it to thee
Here I am Lord, Send me.

We’ll raise the banner of virtue
And carry the shield of faith
We will speak with the tongues of angels and we will speak His name
For no power on earth can stop it
The truth will ring bold and clear
‘TIL it’s reached every climb
And swept every land
And sounded in every ear


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