চলুন ঘুরে আসি তিনটি জেলা ও দুটি নদীর মিলনস্থল থেকে : Confluence of Rupnarayan and Mundeswari River

Описание к видео চলুন ঘুরে আসি তিনটি জেলা ও দুটি নদীর মিলনস্থল থেকে : Confluence of Rupnarayan and Mundeswari River

This place is one of the different type place in South Bengal. You can cross three districts West Midnapur, Hooghly and Howrah in 5 minutes. Enjoy the confluence of Rupnarayan and Mundeswari River. This place is one of the lesser known and offbeat destination.

Location: https://goo.gl/maps/SCbitD3nRmWCiQkN6

Autumn Sunset by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
Artist: http://audionautix.com/



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