Help students understand the principle of human knowledge
Teacher is called a "tutor"
Leads discussion in classroom
Guides and mentors, whose task is not to transmit information but to pose questions that further students ability to develop as thinkers in their own right" St. Johns Website
Perennialism - One should teach the things that one deems to be of everlasting pertinence to all people everywhere
Instead of teaching facts, teach principles
Based on ancient knowledge of classic books
Everlasting truths are learned through Art, history and literature
Learning for learnings sake
To practice taught moral values
Indiviuals should think deeply, analtyically, flexibly and imaginatively
Current Site; St Johns College
Important People
Located in Annapolis, Maryland and founded in 1784
foundation subjects; philosophy, literature, history, theology, psychology, music, mathematics, and laboratory sciences
Cirriculum focuses on the socratic method by formulating questions and developing their thoughts in dialogue with one another through discussions.
Participate in writing, demonstrating, and analyzing musical compositions.
students learn to speak articuately, read attentively, reason effectively and think creatively.
all classes are small
students take active responsability for their education, forumulating questions and dveloping their thoughts through dialogue.
teachers are seen as guides and mentors
Role of Students
Perenialism is the everlasting truth
We are always using history as our building blocks toward the future
Teacher controlled
Traditional discipline
Teacher led discussion
Socratic method : open dialouge
Teachers aren't concerned with students interests or experiences
Little flexibility
Classic books
Sharpen intellectual powers
Enhance moral qualities
Lose Yourself (in Perennialism)
Group Activity
Instructional Techniques
Writing, Reading and Arithmetic
Methods believed to be beneficial to disciplining students minds
Focused on tests and writing
Lectures are rare, instead use intense questioning to reveal new insight rather than lecture
"The Great Books were the most promising avenue to liberal education if only because they are teacher-proof... If there were a Socrates behind every teacher's desk, you would not need to worry about the curriculum."
Robert Hutchins, 1973
Robert Hutchins
He implented Perennialism philosphy in University of Chicago
President from 1929-1945
Chancellor from 1945-1951
Mortimer Adler
Most recent advocate of Perennialism
Was at the University of Chicago at the same time as Hutchins
Taylor, Teresa, George, Alaina & Fernanda
"The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives."
-Robert Hutchins
Learning Enviroment
Role of Teacher


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