The 5 Levels of Concept Album

Описание к видео The 5 Levels of Concept Album

Everyone loves a good concept album, right? But, could we get a little more specific?

This video was super fun to make, and I hope it's just as fun to watch! It could be...difficult if you have a completely different music taste, but I tried to include as much as I could. Part of it was the fact that I just went to a concert last night, so I was pretty hyped up while editing.

Anyhow, I'll see you next week with another (much shorter) one!!

Songs used:
Tear in my Heart - twenty one pilots
Beautiful - smashing pumpkins
Trainwrecks - Weezer
Secret - (original composition)
Astoria - Marianas Trench
Once Upon A Time - Toby Fox

(also check out splendor and misery i'm serious just listen to the first track. if you're not sold, then it's probably not for you)


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