Thousand-Armed andThousand-Eyed Avalokiteshvara (Princess MiaoShan) | Guan Yin | Master Miao Jing

Описание к видео Thousand-Armed andThousand-Eyed Avalokiteshvara (Princess MiaoShan) | Guan Yin | Master Miao Jing

A beautiful and merciful Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara story, Princess Miao Shan is one of the famous buddhist Bodhisattva story in the history and Abbess Master Miao Jing will share this loving story, hope you will enjoy. 千手千眼大悲觀世音菩薩的故事 妙善公主千手觀音 妙淨法師(中文字幕)
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Since the Tang Dynasty, there have been legends saying that the Guan Yin Bodhisattva is the Princess Miaoshan. The story of Princess Miaoshan, the third daughter of King Miaozhuang, who saved her father and achieved success in spiritual cultivation. Since the Tang Dynasty, there has been a legend that the Goddess of Mercy Guan Yin Bodhisattva (Avalokiteśvara) is the daughter of King Miaozhuang.

According to Guan Yin legend, in the past there was a wonderful, beautiful Kingdom. King Miaozhuang had a fierce personality and often relied on force to fight against neighboring countries. In his country, the ministers were always trembling when the King saw them, for fear of accidentally violating his rules and bringing upon themselves the scourge of life.

Merciful Princess Miaoshan's Childhood King MiaoZhuang had been in power for many years, and he had no son; he only had three beautiful daughters. The three Princesses were called Miaoqing and Miaoyin, and the youngest daughter was called Princess Miaoshan.

Princess Miaoshan had many special qualities since she was born: when Princess Miaoshan was born, a fragrance that emanated from her body and filled her room, and everyone around her could smell the refreshing fragrance. When she was born, there was a glowing rainbow sky, which was visible all over the royal palace. Princess Miaoshan was clever and bright since she was a child, and she possessed insights beyond ordinary people. When she was born, colorful aerial clouds surrounded the palace. She was able to recite poetry as a child.

One day, the three princess sisters were playing in the royal garden together, and the elder sister Miaoqing said: "We were all sheltered by our King father and live a happy life. I hope that we can remain together forever."

The second sister Princess Miaoyin said: "Elder Sister, people often say that there is no feast that will last forever, and we are women. Once we get married in the future, how can we always be together like this?" The youngest sister Princess Miaoshan smiled and said nothing. When the two elder sisters saw that she was silent, they asked her what she thought. Princess Miaoshan replied, "Life is rich and glorious, just like the clouds in the sky. It comes and goes; nothing is permanent.” I only wish to have a pure land, something like a mountain where I can spend my whole life cultivating and relieving the suffering of all beings." Two elder sisters became speechless after Princess Miaoshan replied.

Read whole story please visit our website at, thank you for viewing. Our 1st Guan Yin story is    • English story of Guan Yin | Venerable...  
If you have any questions or commends feel free to email us @ [email protected]. Thank you


妙善公主 千手千眼大悲觀世音菩薩的故事




時間飛快,轉眼三位公主相繼長大成人,妙莊王準備為心愛的三位公主招贅夫婿。唯獨三公主妙善不肯,妙善公主一再對父親表示:「終其一生,唯願靜心深山中修行,其他一切榮華富貴,非吾所願,祈望父王能體恤女兒的一片誠心」 。待續...

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