Eric_Kutil_Racing JTCC EG Sedan Build in 15 Minutes

Описание к видео Eric_Kutil_Racing JTCC EG Sedan Build in 15 Minutes

Ok, I'm back!!!! Obviously we have a lot to catch up since the last VLOG I uploaded, so here's a quick build recap of the entire project. This was from the start of the build in January to mid July of last year which was 7 straight months of extremely hard work. In this video, I cover most of the major projects and milestones but its tough to recap thousands of hours of work in 15 minutes! Over time, I'll upload more detailed videos and VLOG so stay tuned. I also planned on adding recaps of all the 2022 race events but it started to get too long so catch that in the next video upload! Ignore the few editing glitches ha, I'm still a noob lol! Thanks for the all the love and hope you all enjoy!


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