IKEA Hack + Recycling = The ULTIMATE Sewing Table with TONS of Storage for $0 (well, almost)

Описание к видео IKEA Hack + Recycling = The ULTIMATE Sewing Table with TONS of Storage for $0 (well, almost)

A cutting table that's so big that it's nearly as long as me, and yet cost almost nothing to make? That's what I'll be making in this video, and it can serve not only as a sewing and cutting table, but also as a general crafting table as well. The video is partial DIY tutorial, but more general inspiration for how to work with recycled, repurposed and upcycled material, although I admit I had a bit streak of luck in getting my hands on my roommate's IKEA Expedit unit, which really helped this whole project come together!

The back story: after 3 years abroad, I returned, and found the strong desire to convert my bedroom into a sewing & crafting space that is both neat/functional as well as cute and aesthetic! That was my last video, and this video is focusing entirely on the sewing table, which is definitely the highlight of the room because it's HUGE, very comfortable to cut on, and is host to a TON of storage!!

Of course it's still not done, but it's certainly much improved over what it was as the start! If you want to see even more details on the room and the process, consider becoming a monthly supporter over on Ko-Fi, there you'll have access to monthly vlogs as well as the extended edition of this video!

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#ikeahack #sewingtable #recycledmaterials


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