NBS MANTIS: German Air Defense Protection System

Описание к видео NBS MANTIS: German Air Defense Protection System

An NBS C-RAM system consists of six 35mm automatic guns a ground control unit and two sensor units.
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Nächstbereichschutzsystem #MANTIS (Modular, Automatic and Network capable Targeting and Interception System), formerly titled as NBS-C-RAM (counter-rocket, artillery and mortar), is the latest very short-range protection system of the German #AirForce, intended for base-protection, particularly in Afghanistan. It is produced by Rheinmetall Air Defense, a subsidiary of Rheinmetall of Germany. It is a part of the army's future SysFla air-defense project.

Used by: Germany
Manufacturer: Rheinmetall Germany
Produced: 2011 to present

Mass: 5800 kg with munition
Crew: 4
Shell: AHEAD 35×228mm
Caliber: 35 x 228 mm
Elevation: -15 ° a + 85 °
Traverse: Full 360°
Rate of fire: 1000 rounds/min
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Air Defense Systems || Military Weapons
Music Info:
"Rush My Veins 4 - Andreas Ericson" belongs to http://www.epidemicsound.com/ and was used under license for the company Scalelab


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