De-stress Painting with Albedo (Albedo in your Lap)

Описание к видео De-stress Painting with Albedo (Albedo in your Lap)

Albedo is overworked today and you decide to make sure he rests, one way or another~ Something calm and soft is nice every now and then. 💚

I'm working on getting a recorder of some kind instead of a mic as it's difficult to capture brushing sounds or soft things right now, so once I get that I can start doing more proper ASMR content. I think that would be nice - things like this, but a lot more intensive sounds.

💚 Twitter Updates n Things! I like staying in touch with you guys ^^   / renyune  
💚 NSFW Version of Getting Albedo to Relax on Patreon (18+)   / taking-care-of-84476236  


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