Battle Brothers - 45 Day Monolith Rush

Описание к видео Battle Brothers - 45 Day Monolith Rush

  / wildbison  

EEL/no alt f4 Ironman full run from stream. This is the new record for a Black Monolith run using the rules below. It is quite beatable! It is only a matter of time until myself or someone else can beat it. Happy hunting.

My Rules
1. EEL/Ironman no savescum/alt f4 of any description, except crash - All DLC up to WoTN
2. Full recordings of play
3. True QoL Mods (Faster with pause, Hooks, Frenzy Red, Combat Log) while playing.
4. Third partying is acceptable, there are drawbacks such as actually getting a third party, EXP loss and loot loss.
5. Use of mods to acquire Day 1 reveal map screenshot using debug mode for optimal planning of camp clears. Seed analyzers can also be used to determine famed items inside camps if you so desire. Finding a good map is just as much part of the challenge (there is no perfect map and seed analyzer scripts are not perfect). If you played a map-seed enough you would learn all these things anyway hence the simplicity. These mods SHOULD BE REMOVED DURING PLAY and can't be used to locate/analyze camp re-spawns after Day 1.
6. Banned mods: Aside from those mentioned above any mod that changes the base mechanics of the game is not allowed.
a. Scoutable locations is banned.
b. Scouting named chance which shows percentage of famed items inside camps and enemy group. It also unintentionally resets the world camp spawns which means if you used this mod you could create two optional camp layouts for one map with two different sets of famed items and thus be abused to create a super seed (confirmed with Abel).
c.This also includes mods that show remaining HP on enemies, this gives you surety on killing enemies (info you shouldn't have).



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