Hack The Box Starting Point – Oopsie walk-through

Описание к видео Hack The Box Starting Point – Oopsie walk-through

In the twenty-second episode of our Hack The Box Starting Point series, Security Consultant, Kyle Meyer, does a complete walk-through of the Oopsie box. Learn how to begin your hacking journey using Kali Linux and php reverse shells.


00:00 - Intro
00:17 - nmap scan
00:42 - enumerating webpage
04:02 - exploring guest login
06:01 - information disclosure
07:37 - creating a reverse shell with php
11:39 - finding our file on server
13:33 - finding a user password
19:20 - getting our user flag
19:35 - finding vertical escalation
24:29 - new PATH for cat
26:13 - becoming root
27:05 - answering HtB questions
28:31 - Outro

#ethicalhacking #cybersecurity #pentest #hackthebox #kalilinux #oopsie #oopsiebox #hacking #penetrationtesting #hacking101 #reverseshell #path #informationdisclosure #verticalescalation #abrictosecurity


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