116.Organic NPK fertilizer. Nitrogen rich fertilizer. Fertilizer for leafy vegetables.

Описание к видео 116.Organic NPK fertilizer. Nitrogen rich fertilizer. Fertilizer for leafy vegetables.

This is about easily available organic NPK fertilizer This is a nitrogen rich organic fertilizer.
fertilizer for leafy vegetables.

Dung doesn’t always have to be available. So I want to introduce you to the fact that it is a fertilizer used instead of cow dung. It is a soy chunks fertilizer. It is very effective. Soya chunks have several health benefits. It has high level vegetable proteins. These are made from defatted soya flour,after extracting soya bean oil.

These are 100 % pure and natural. We can use soya chunks as fertilizer. It is also rich in nitrogen. We can use this as an organic fertilizer. It increases soil nitrogen. We can reapply soybean chunks into the soil for 4 months. It is naturally slow release fertilizer.

It helps to vigorous growth of decomposer bacteria and fungi microbes.It has no bad smell. We will get this fertilizer in the markets. We can use this fertilizer for all vegetables and plants. We can make soft powder of soya chunks using mixie.

Its NPK value is 7:1:2. It has no side effects. When it is applied to the plants,it is likely to be infested with ants. So add cinnamon powder to it. Use this powder to the plants and spray water on it. It helps to absorb nutrients immediately.

Next method is to take soybean chunks and soak them in warm water for hrs .Then, squeeze it. We get a liquid fertilizer. Mix triple water foliar spray.

Next we can mix soya bean chunks into the mud . It is a very useful fertilizer. We can use this indoors also. Because it has no bad smell..



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