Session 2: We make it to Phandalin!

Описание к видео Session 2: We make it to Phandalin!

ChatGPT tl;dr of my recap:

So, the ladies leave Sildar chilling in his underwear and keep exploring the goblin cave. Gail randomly figures out she can turn into animals, and naturally, she becomes a massive spider, freaking everyone out. Then, the goblins flood the cave to flush them out, but Apollo and Gail handle it fine, while Esther has to save herself and Adelaide from drowning.

They fight more goblins, win, and then almost lose some wolves to the flood, but save them just in time. Esther was ready to turn one into a rug, but the wolf survived. Apollo adopts another wolf named George, while the third one bolts.

They find loot, including random crates and a weird frog statue, load it up, and head to Phandalin. They stop at a few shops, get paid, hear about some troublemakers called the Redbrand Ruffians, and finally crash at an inn, exhausted. What a day.


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