Better Story - Erik Nieder

Описание к видео Better Story - Erik Nieder

Erik Nieder's song "Better Story" was co-written with Bethel Music's Emmy Rose and is a song of surrender and, ultimately, trust.

From Erik: One of my greatest struggles is surrendering my will and perceived control over "my life" to the Sovereignty of God. I have hopes and dreams, and I believe I know what is best for my family and me, but in my 32 years, I slowly realized the Lord's way often isn't quite as I expected or planned. So Better Story was written as a simple reminder that the Lord's will is better, even if I can't see it yet. Even if it's not what I thought was best, his way truly is the best.

Psalm 139:16 says, "Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Each of our days were already written by our Maker, the greatest storyteller of all, before even one of them came to be. And coming to grips with this truth leads to a beautiful, holy surrender.

So no matter the valley, no matter disappointment or failure that you may be currently facing, you can rest in the truth of Philippians 1:6 "that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." His love really is writing a better story. He has the final word. And he is faithful to complete all that he has promised.

"Better Story" was written as a declaration to trust him, here and unto glory. A reminder that He loves us and He is for us. No trial is empty and no promise in vain because "He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians 15:57). And it's often in the moments of disappointment, when the "plans" unravel, that lead to a whole-hearted surrender. And it's here, in these moments of surrender, where we learn the story He is writing is better than we could have ever asked or imagined.

  / eriknieder  
  / erikniedermusic  

#ErikNieder #BetterStory


Before you spoke the earth to form
Before you knew the night and dawn
You wrote down every moment here
With perfect hand you penned my song

The work that you started
You’ll see it through
Faithful to complete
It’s what you do

Your love it writes a better story
Has the final word, beginning and the end
And I’ll trust here and unto glory
God you’re always for me
I will rise again

You’re still the author and perfecter
When my heart can’t trace the lines
Through wilderness I’ll learn to follow you God
In your shadow I will hide

No promise is empty
No trial in vain
For yours is the victory
And victory your name
No word you have spoken
Will be put to shame
For yours is the victory
And victory your name


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