Archangel Raphael June 11 2016 Galactic Federation of Light

Описание к видео Archangel Raphael June 11 2016 Galactic Federation of Light

Channel: Ann Dahlberg

I am Raphael that has come to you today to bless the New Earth, who is on her way up and out of her dark period in the third dimension. We are all grateful that you have kept your Light and your hope for peace and Love on Earth. This will not come to pass and you are well deserving of it.

New lights are daily lit up and the hope for peace on Earth is strengthened at the same pace. All war weary people are now searching for the light, because their wish for peace and love can be found there. The Light is strong and may have a strong influence on their souls. For this reason they may need guidance and assistance so that they can find their way home to their hearts where the light of their souls reside.


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