Taking Inventory: Where We Really Are | Joanna Barsh | 2024 MAKERS Conference

Описание к видео Taking Inventory: Where We Really Are | Joanna Barsh | 2024 MAKERS Conference

Joanna Barsh passionately addresses the need for action to combat systemic inequalities, particularly in the workplace. She challenges the audience to shift their mindset from complacency to agency and to set clear goals for themselves. Barsh emphasizes the importance of deliberate practice and being open to coaching and feedback. She underscores the value of building a network of allies and mentors who can provide support and opportunities for growth. Additionally, Barsh urges individuals to serve as role models and influencers, bringing energy and enthusiasm to their work while actively supporting the advancement of others. Through her engaging and energetic delivery, Barsh inspires the audience to take proactive steps towards creating a more equitable and inclusive environment.


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