Mining for Crystals Underneath the Long Valley Supervolcano

Описание к видео Mining for Crystals Underneath the Long Valley Supervolcano

North America contains three super volcanoes in California, New Mexico, and Wyoming. The Long Valley super volcano in California erupted 760,000 years ago sending 150 cubic miles of ash across the country. This event took the lead as one of North America's largest eruptions in history before collapsing down on itself and forming one of Earth's largest calderas.

Around the southern edges of the caldera hundreds of mines were dug deep into the earth to exploit the riches created by this volcanic zone. Here we pursue part two of our search for caledonite crystals. An elusive diamond like crystal found in only two places of California.

While this trip didn't prove as fruitful as the first, the experiences and lessons learned made way for a great adventure and paving the way for the third and final installment of this series. I swear, the next one wont take three years to make....

Part One: Mining for America's Rarest Crystals in a 160 Year Old Mine

Check out my Amazon lists to see all products used on my truck and camera equipment!

Photography can be found on Instagram or TikTok ‪@PacificRoamer‬

0:00 Intro
4:42 First Exploration
6:45 The Problem
11:23 The Fault Zone
16:47 Third Exploration
20:10 Closing

BLM.Gov Mineral & Land Records System, Research Map
Donahoe J. & McKee E., (N.D). Mineral resource potential of the benton range roadless area, Mono County, California.
Mindat.Org, Mono County.
Rinehart D. and Ross D., 1957. Geologic Map of Casa Diablo Mountain Quadrangle
Rundle J., 1988. The Geophysics of a Restless Caldera - Long Valley California. US Geological Survey.
United States Department of the Interior, 1953. Mount Morrison & Abbot Quadrangles, Mono and Fresno Counties.


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