UKSRT8 Stage 4a - "10-1"

Описание к видео UKSRT8 Stage 4a - "10-1"

Song: 10-1 / DJ TECHNORCH

Player: left - Dave (Kris) / right - WinDEU

This was definitely the hardest thing to write steps and mods, but we're pretty happy with the end result. Shoutouts to Puurokulho for saving this stage by doing basically 40-50% of it (most of the 2nd half) rofl.

The first drop hits hard.

The text at the beginning says "warning" in various languages, except for the Korean, which says "fuck". Shoutouts to Vincent Kim for translating.

The sliding tile puzzle section was originally this:    • omfg no  
It was basically unplayable so I recorded a video of it and gasoline+lighter'd the whole thing.

The Dr. Mario section doesn't do anything.
"Virus = very yes" is a reference to Homestarrunner.


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