Shakuhachi alignment, angle, pitch and tone by Josen (Jon Kypros)

Описание к видео Shakuhachi alignment, angle, pitch and tone by Josen (Jon Kypros)
By Josen (Jon Kypros), shakuhachi Dai-Shihan 'Grandmaster'

In this video we look at what I call alignment and playing angle and how those affect the pitch and tone of the shakuhachi. First, we'll look at how to make a sound by lining-up the sharp edge or utaguchi with our lip-opening or air-stream. Then we'll look at playing angle, how we might approach different types of shakuhachi, common mistakes beginners make with these things, and how to grow in the direction we want to with our shakuhachi playing.


*Alignment intro 2:54, close-ups of alignment - horizontal (pronounced lip tubercle) 3:28 and vertical 5:13

*Rotation explenation 7:41, close-up of rotation 8:02

*Aligning different sizes of shakuhachi 8:51

*Mistake many beginners make with pitch due to weaker breath 11:24

*17:29 Best advice for beginners on shakuhachi choice and playing style


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