Fleming Safe Campus Tour • Fall 2020

Описание к видео Fleming Safe Campus Tour • Fall 2020

Hello, I’m Maureen Adamson, President of Fleming College.

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Fleming College quickly adopted innovative approaches to teaching and learning and continued to serve our students and communities during this disruptive and difficult time.

Fleming College continues to navigate the ongoing challenges of COVID-19 while also turning our attention to recovery and embracing this ‘new normal’.

Ultimately, our top priority remains the health and safety of Fleming students, staff and our communities. It is prudent that we take a gradual and evidence-based approach to reopening our facilities and prioritizing the academic delivery of our programs.

Rest assured we will keep you safe, Fleming Safe.

Terry Williams
Director of Physical Resources

In line with our Fleming Safe plan, the Physical Resources team at the College has been working tirelessly to ensure all safety precautions and procedures are in place for the Fall 2020 session.
Students that must come to campus will be required to:
• read the COVID-19 Student Training and Safe Work Practices for their specific Bootcamp and complete the respective quizzes in D2L to be allowed on campus.
• download the Fleming Safe App, if they have not done so already. A pre-screening tool available via the Fleming Safe App will speed the entry process into the building.
• Use the disposable and Fleming-branded masks that are available at the Information Desk.
• Follow the instructions on the new signage placed throughout the campus with reminders on physical distancing, wearing protective masks, and proper hand hygiene.

At this time, the campus is open to only critical staff and faculty

This gradual approach to re-opening re-affirms our Fleming Safe plan to have all Fall semester programs begin in alternate or online delivery with a transition to on-campus classes when public health authorities deem it to be safe to do so.


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