What if Purple didn't face the King? - Animation vs. What If Ep 1 (Fan Made Series)

Описание к видео What if Purple didn't face the King? - Animation vs. What If Ep 1 (Fan Made Series)

Purple's plan is to run to the portal back to the computer with his friends and save everyone

What if events in Alan Becker's universe were different? What if someone made a different choice that created an entirely new reality?

Behind scenes:    • behind scenes from What if...? Alan B...  

Cadu Thoons
Original Characters:
'The King'    • Music from 'The King' - Animation Vs....  
'Ascension'    • Scott Buckley - 'Ascension' [Emotiona...  
'Parkour'    • Music from 'Parkour' (Animation vs. M...  
What if...? From Marvel Studios
Original episode:    • The King - Animation vs. Minecraft Sh...  

#animation #fanmade #avm #alanbecker #whatif #animationvsminecraft #animationvsanimator #minecraft #kingorange #tsc #thesecondcoming #stickman #art #mojang #flipaclip #purplelaststand

Animation, Stickman, Minecraft, Animator, Fight, Stick Fight, Windows, 10, Cursor, Alan Becker, Effects, Power, Powers, The Second Coming, Full, Power Animator, Fire, 2d Animation, animation, Drawing, Animation vs Minecraft, Animation vs Animator, Animator vs Animation, Minecraft vs Stickman, What if, Marvel, Fight King Orange, King Orange, Flipaclip, Purple Story, Purple, Purple Alan Becker, Purple Run, Fan Animation, pilot, fan made, fan animation, staff, Minecraft Icon, Super, Destroy, AvA, AvM, Run in Time, purple's last stand, AvWI, AvW, Animation vs. What If


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