Tiga RESEP TELUR Pelengkap Rice Bowl & Mie: Onsen Egg, Ramen Egg (Ajitsuke Tamago), Scrambled Egg.

Описание к видео Tiga RESEP TELUR Pelengkap Rice Bowl & Mie: Onsen Egg, Ramen Egg (Ajitsuke Tamago), Scrambled Egg.

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00:00 : intro
02:50 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:46 : membuat onsen tamago (making the Onsen Tamago)
04:12 : membuat ramen egg (making the Ramen Egg)
08:36 : membuat scrambled egg (making the Scrambled Eggs)
10:02 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)


Resep 3 Topping Telur. Kali ini aku akan membuat 3 olahan telur yang bisa menjadi topping berbagai hidangan. Onsen tamago, ramen egg, dan scrambled egg. Pastinya praktis, mudah, dan ekonomis.

Resep 3 Topping Telur

Onsen tamago:
4 butir telur
1 liter air mendidih
250 ml air

Ramen egg (gelas menggunakan ukuran 65 ml):
6 butir telur
1-2 gelas kecap asin
6 gelas air
1-2 gelas gula
2 gelas mirin / jus apel
1 sdt kaldu ayam bubuk / dashi

Scrambled egg:
2 butir telur
2 sdm minyak
Lada hitam

1. Untuk onsen tamago, siapkan air mendidih lalu matikan api dan tuang 250 ml air biasa
2. Letakkan telur (suhu ruang) satu persatu, tutup panci
3. Jika ingin kuning telur masih cair rendam selama 17-18 menit, atau bisa selama 30-60 menit
4. Untuk ramen egg, rebus telur selama 6 ½ menit di air mendidih, aduk perlahan kemudian setelah matang bilas dengan air mengalir dan kupas
5. Panaskan mirin lalu beri api dipermukaannya, tunggu hingga api padam supaya alkoholnya terbakar (opsional)
6. Masukkan air, gula, kaldu ayam / dashi, dan kecap asin kemudian masak hingga mendidih, biarkan dingin
7. Masukkan telur didalam wadah, rendam dengan larutan yang sudah dingin lalu tutup dengan cling wrap dan simpan didalam kulkas selama semalaman
8. Untuk scrambled egg, panaskan minyak lalu matikan api dan tuang telur yang sudah dikocok lepas
9. Aduk-aduk dan bentuk menjadi persegi lalu nyalakan api kecil, masak selama 1 menit
10. Sajikan dipiring saji lalu beri taburan garam dan lada hitam sesuai selera


Three EGG RECIPES for Rice Bowls & Noodles! [100% Success!]

This time, I’m making 3 types of eggs you can use as a topping for various dishes. They’re Onsen Tamago, Ramen Egg, and Scrambled Eggs. They’re definitely practical, easy, and inexpensive.

3 Egg Toppings Recipe

Onsen Tamago:
4 pc egg
1 L boiling water
250 ml water

Ramen Egg (65 ml glass volume):
6 pc egg
1-2 glass soy sauce
6 glass water
1-2 glass sugar
2 glass mirin / apple juice
1 tsp chicken powder / dashi

Scrambled Eggs:
2 pc egg
2 tbsp oil
Black pepper

1. For the Onsen Tamago, prepare boiling water and turn the heat off. Pour 250 ml of room temp water.
2. Put the room temp egg in one by one. Place the lid on.
3. For a half-boiled yolk, soak for 17-18 minutes. Otherwise, soak for 30-60 minutes.
4. For the Ramen Egg, boil the eggs for 6.5 minutes in boiling water. Stir gently. Once it’s cooked, rinse with running water. Peel the eggs.
5. Heat the mirin and light the surface on fire. Wait until the fire is out to burn the alcohol off (optional).
6. Add water, sugar, chicken powder/dashi, and soy sauce. Bring to a boil and let cool.
7. Add the eggs into a jug. Soak with the cooled marinade and cover with plastic wrap. Keep in the fridge overnight.
8. For the Scrambled Eggs, heat some oil and turn the heat off. Pour lightly beaten eggs in.
9. Stir and shape into a rectangle. Turn the stove on low heat and cook for 1 minute.
10. Serve on a serving plate and sprinkle with salt and black pepper, to taste.


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