Poppin' & Droppin' - BEST Sheepshead Bait for Winter

Описание к видео Poppin' & Droppin' - BEST Sheepshead Bait for Winter

We tried a variety of baits for Sheepshead at the end of January here in NC. Live Mud Crabs, frozen Shrimp, frozen Sandfleas and live Urchins were on the menu. Check out this video to see which one worked the best. You can use crab parts, shrimp heads or whatever you have lying around to chum for these fish during the winter. Can't hurt anything. Sheepshead and Black Drum freeze well, so go ahead and keep a few. Get out there and be somebody!

16' Sundance Skiff, 30HP Mercury

Shimano Torium 20HG - Penn Carnage II Jigging 6'2"
Penn Fathom 25NLD2 - Shimano Trevala Jigging Rod 5'8" Heavy, Medium Fast

100 Pound Power Pro, 50 Pound Fluorocarbon Leader

Double Hook Carolina Rig taught in "Early Spring Sheepshead" episode at 2:38

Fresh bait matters. Catch Mud Crabs under "stuff", below the high tide line (Wear Gloves, oyster cuts are nasty). The purple crabs with spots and striped legs are stone crabs and are illegal to possess.

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