ESB Webinar Series – No.02 -Jumping into Musculoskeletal Modeling with OpenSim

Описание к видео ESB Webinar Series – No.02 -Jumping into Musculoskeletal Modeling with OpenSim

This webinar is targeted toward individuals interested in learning how OpenSim can be used to explore topics in musculoskeletal simulation and aims to:
Introduce participants to the features in OpenSim, including new features from the latest release of the software
Demonstrate a typical pipeline of creating and visualizing a muscle-driven simulation starting with motion capture data of a subject jumping

By the end of this tutorial, attendees will learn some of the core capabilities of OpenSim, including how to:
Load and visualize motion capture data
Load and explore a musculoskeletal model
Visualize a motion
Create a dynamic simulation

The webinar will be conducted by Dr. Jennifer Hicks. Dr. Hicks is Associate Director the National Center for Simulation in Rehabilitation Research, an NIH-funded center at Stanford University that brings state-of-the-art engineering tools to rehabilitation scientists. In addition, she is the Research and Development Manager of the OpenSim software project, guiding the project’s development team and serving as the voice of the software user/researcher.


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