Smaller Than Pixel Art: Sub-Pixel Art!

Описание к видео Smaller Than Pixel Art: Sub-Pixel Art!

A video about making sub-pixel art? I don't know what's wrong with me, ha ha.

[Sorry for the error at 2:33. I accidentally listed red as white. There's also no good reason why I kept all the graphics 1-bit instead of using "greyscale".]

I started making this video awhile ago, but I ran out of steam half-way through. Nevertheless, I forced myself to finish it. I hope you get something out of it. I also hope that it still applies somewhat to the current state of computer screens, but I may be too out of date.

For the record, this isn't supposed to be the ultimate video on sub-pixels. There's certainly more that could have been said about the subject. It's just supposed to be fun... for us nerds : )

#pixelart #subpixel #japhyriddle


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