Most Popular Masihi Geet || Koi Pathra Chou Labda Rab Nu | Humaira channa and Arif Akhtar |

Описание к видео Most Popular Masihi Geet || Koi Pathra Chou Labda Rab Nu | Humaira channa and Arif Akhtar |

🎶 Koi Pathra Chou Labda Rab Nu | Official Release 🎶

🌟 Saroj Gospel Studio, USA proudly presents "Koi Pathra Chou Labda Rab Nu", a heart-touching Masihi geet by Humaira Channa & Arif Akhtar. This soul-stirring worship song beautifully expresses the search for God’s presence and the power of faith and devotion.

🎤 Singers: Humaira Channa & Arif Akhtar
🎬 Video Production: Saroj Gospel Studio, USA
🎥 Director: Sunny Gill Masih
🎵 Music, Lyrics & Composition: Fraz Bhatti
🎞 DOP: Saroj Bunty
📽 Post Production: Irfan Sindhu Bi2

✨ Special Thanks To:
🙏 Dr. Umar Farooq
🙏 Rehmat Raza

📢 Listen, Worship & Share! Don’t forget to LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE for more Masihi geet & gospel music.

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#KoiPathraChouLabdaRabNu #SarojGospelStudio #MasihiGeet #WorshipSong #HumairaChanna #ArifAkhtar #GospelMusic #YeshuKiMahima #PraiseTheLord #christianmusic #MasihiGeet #NewMasihiGeet #WorshipSong #GospelMusic #YeshuMasih #PraiseTheLord #ChristianMusic #JesusIsKing #YeshuKiMahima #MasihiSangeet #BibleVerses #HolySpirit #UrduGospel #PunjabiMasihiGeet #HindiChristianSong #WorshipMusic #ChristianFaith #YeshuKaGeet #YeshuMasiha #KhudaKiHamd #KhudawandKaKalaam #MasihiWorship #JesusLovesYou #JesusSaves #BlessedMusic #SpiritualSongs #Hallelujah #ChristianDevotional #GospelHits #sarojgospelstudio


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