Faces 3 Ways! From Beginner to Artisan!

Описание к видео Faces 3 Ways! From Beginner to Artisan!

'Faces and bases make models aces!' Never a true word has been said about miniatures painting and a phrase that we have always referred to on our hobby journey. In this tutorial, we show you 3 different methods for painting miniature faces which are often the focal point. We start off demonstrating a speed painting method which is also fantastic for beginners and it only requires two, yes two, paints! Then we show one of the methods we most commonly use which is great for Intermediate painters. And finally, we go all out and use a multitude of techniques to paint a face to a higher level, an artisan level if you will. This is great for display pieces and perhaps even the general of your force. And the best part is, is that it is not as difficult as it might think. So go grab your brushes, paints, and wet palettes and follow along.

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Equipment used:
Medium Layer Brush (Citadel)
Small Layer Brush (Citadel)
Artis Opus S Size 1
Artis Opus S Size0
Artis Opus S Size 00
Wet Palette (RedGrass Games)

Paints Used:
Flayed Ones Flesh
Crusader Skin (AP)
Bugman's Glow
Reikland Fleshshade
Cadian Fleshtone
Kislev Flesh
Ushabti Bone
Rhinox Hide
Skrag Brown
Phoenician Purple
Pink Horror
Mechanicus Standard Grey
Matt Black (AP)
Matt White (AP)



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