Raise Your Vibration Guided Meditation- Activate Your Light | World Healing | Empaths & Lightworkers

Описание к видео Raise Your Vibration Guided Meditation- Activate Your Light | World Healing | Empaths & Lightworkers

Here are some key points covered in the meditation-

⭐ Raise your energy vibration and frequency
⭐ Activate your light
⭐ Anchor your light
⭐ Send the earth and all beings healing through the earth grid
⭐ Raise the planetary vibration
⭐ Integrate your higher soul and embrace your higher purpose

Right now, there is allot of low energy on our planet due to many different factors and it can be a challenge at times to not feel overwhelmed by the energy, especially if you are an empath. I’ve created this meditation to help you raise your vibration, to embrace your higher soul and to also assist you with helping to raise the vibration of the planet and all living beings.

Remember that as we connect with and embrace the light frequencies, this really helps to deflect negativity. Together we can create change around our beautiful earth!

This meditation can help by connecting you with the life force Creator energy and therefore helping you to raise your vibrational frequency. We focus on bringing through the light to illuminate every particle in your energy field.

During the meditation we work to integrate your higher soul into your conscious being, this can assist you to connect with your divine life purpose as well as remember your reason for incarnating on the earth at this time.

We also send out healing to the earth and all of her inhabitants, we work firstly with the earth by sending her divine love and then move on to send healing out through the earth healing grid.

⭐To support my channel please feel free donate to my PayPal, this can help me to buy resources like music backgrounds and better recording equipment⭐ https://www.paypal.me/sarahcatori


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