Academy CAFE: low-carbon transport

Описание к видео Academy CAFE: low-carbon transport

Academy CAFE (Connecting Awardees, Fostering Engagement) is an online series to provide engagement for the Royal Academy of Engineering's research awardees and alumni.

The first event was chaired by Professor Karen Holford CBE FREng, who spoke with Dame Julia Elizabeth King DBE FREng FRS, Baroness Brown of Cambridge, on the topic of Low-carbon transport.

Baroness Brown was the first Fellowship of Engineering (as the Academy was previously known) Senior Research Fellow, sponsored by British Gas. She subsequently spent eight years in senior engineering and executive roles at Rolls-Royce plc and two years as Chief Executive of the Institute of Physics, before returning to academia as Principal of the Engineering Faculty at Imperial College London in 2004. She was Vice-Chancellor of Aston University from 2006 to 2016.

She now sits as a crossbench Peer in the House of Lords and is a member of the European Union Select Committee. Baroness Brown’s interests include climate change mitigation and the low carbon economy. She serves as Deputy Chair of the Committee on Climate Change and Chair of its Adaptation Sub-Committee. She is Chair of the Carbon Trust and is the Prime Minister’s Business Ambassador for Energy.


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