Web based Clinic Record Management System (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, & MySQL)

Описание к видео Web based Clinic Record Management System (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, & MySQL)

For inquiries email at [email protected]

Built with: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 4, Javascript, JQuery, PHP, & MySQL

Demo: https://rabiesvanish.ml

Note: restoration of the database, deactivation of users, and change password were disabled in the demo link provided to prevent the inaccessibility and malicious action in the system.

Login using these default accounts:

Username: admin
Password: admin

Vaccinator: vaccinator
Password: vaccinator

System's keywords meaning

Exposure type - it has two types; the first one is post-exposure which is intended for patients bitten/clawed by animals. The second one is pre-exposure which is intended for patients that were not bitten/clawed by animals and only want the vaccination of anti-rabies.

Duration- duration of the treatment to be made.

Pre-exposure - days 0, 7, and 21-28 days are required in order for the treatment to be successful. 1st booster at 1-year use after the duration of 1-year completion of day 0, 7, and 21-28 treatment. Subsequent booster every 3 years use after the duration of 1-year completion of 1st booster, and also it will use after 3 years duration of this booster.

Post-exposure - Day 0, 3, and 7 are required days in order for the treatment to be successful. Day 14 is the observation period. Day 28-30 is also observation period that use after the day 14 have done.
Date (treatment) - date of the treatment. It is restricted based on the duration label.

Administration Site - a type of injection method used.
Intramuscular - injections are delivered into the muscle.
Intradermal - injections are delivered into the dermis, or the skin layer underneath the epidermis (which is the upper skin layer). The dermis is, in most places of the human body, only a few mm thick.

Treatment - list of medicines for the treatment of patients.

Remarks - comment on the patient’s treatment.

Status - current status of treatment based on duration
Done – the treatment was already done
Undone - the treatment was not done
Pending - the treatment is pending
Not used - the treatment was not used

Category of Exposure – the seriousness of the incident.
I - low
II - medium
III - hard

Type – a type of incident (bite, claw, etc.)

Source – an animal that is responsible for the patient’s incident (dog, cat, etc.)

Place – part of the body that have exposed

Date (incident) – date of incident


Dashboard tab
Overview tab - view for the total appointment of the current date, critical stocks if the quantity is below 5, and total patients; Graph for the done and undone treatment of the patients.
Statistics tab - Statistics incident by region, province, city/municipality, and barangay. It can be filtered by types (bite, claw, etc.), sources (dog, cat, etc.), category (I, II, III), and date.

Patients tab
Add, update, view patient information, incident history (optional), and treatment; add booster and another treatment table record, and issue a medical certificate.

If the date of label day 0 is equal to the current date, then the quantity of the medicine will be deducted automatically from inventory.
The pending status will change automatically to undone status if the date is greater than the current date.
The patient treatment record updates automatically if the update action is made, and unnecessary to click submit or done button.

Appointment tab
view the daily, weekly, and monthly appointments of patients.

Inventory tab
Medicines tab - add, edit, view, deactivate, and activate medicine.
Stocks tab - add, edit, and view stock.

Users tab
add, edit, view, deactivate, and activate users.

Logs tab
logs of users, inventory, patients, and settings.

Backup & Restore tab
backup and restoration of database. The backup file was compressed in .gz file extension format.

Settings tab
Source tab - add, edit, view, deactivate, and activate the source.
Type tab - add, edit, view, deactivate, and activate of type.
System tab - edit system information (name, address, cellphone & telephone number); enable or disable logs status.

My Account
change the password of the currently signed-in user.

end the session of the currently signed-in user.

Users type and restriction
Admin - can access all the features of the system.
Vaccinator - can only access the dashboard, patients, appointment, and inventory (viewing only) tab.

Music credits:
   • Видео  
   • Disfigure - Blank | Melodic Dubstep |...  
   • Elektronomia - Sky High | Progressive...  
   • Cartoon, Jéja - On & On (feat. Daniel...  
   • Видео  


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