UNESCO News: Wole Soyinka

Описание к видео UNESCO News: Wole Soyinka

Wole Soyinka at launch of the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures (UNESCO, 18 February 2010).

Wole Soyinka (Nigeria). Nobel Laureate for Literature (1986), he is a member of the High Level Panel on Peace and Dialogue among Cultures, established in 2010 by UNESCOs Director-General, Irina Bokova.
The High Level Panel comprises prominent political, intellectual and religious personalities from all regions. Its members have been asked to reflect on and reinvent the construction of peace founded on justice, respect for human rights, gender equality and solidarity, in the context of globalization and the challenges it poses, such as climate change, management of resources and ethical and economic issues. The Panels mission is to ring out UNESCOs message of peace in the world through education, science, culture, information and communication.


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