What is Ironic Process Theory aka Pink Elephant Paradox? Stop Trying to Get It and You Will Have It!

Описание к видео What is Ironic Process Theory aka Pink Elephant Paradox? Stop Trying to Get It and You Will Have It!

If I asked you NOT to think about a Pink Elephant, what immediately pops into your mind? Probably a Pink Elephant! The more you try and NOT think about something, the more likely it is you’ll immediately think about it.

The Pink Elephant Paradox illustrates that trying to suppress a thought is likely to make it more intrusive. This can negatively affect your emotions, focus, and decision-making abilities. Rather than suppress negative thoughts, it is healthier to acknowledge the emotion.

The Pink Elephant represents all your negative thoughts, criticisms, and fears, as well as any obstacles, aggravations, and frustrations you have experienced over a lifetime. Needless to say, the Pink Elephant can be a huge obstacle. But it doesn’t have to be. Find out more on TheGratitudeCoach.com


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