Sun Ce - Dynasty Warriors 5 Xtreme Legends - Chaos Mode

Описание к видео Sun Ce - Dynasty Warriors 5 Xtreme Legends - Chaos Mode

Dynasty Warriors 5 Xtreme Legends
Sun Ce
Chaos Mode

Custom Audio:
Dynasty Warriors 4 -- Dark Angel
Dynasty Warriors 7 -- Intense Collision
Dynasty Warriors 7 -- Ambition to Take Over

[General Comments]

I LOVE how Da Qiao follows me around in this stage. She's so cute :)
"Let's get'em my lord!"

But....having her around makes this stage so much harder, because of Melee Confusion (I still love you Da Qiao) goal was to not get into Red Health for this recording, Red Health gives handicap of auto filling Musou, and the rest of the video after it ends up being somewhat of a non-representative video to show maximized gameplay. In the end, I think I showed enough of Sun Ce to get the full idea, before I got into Red.

[Maximization Setup]

Medium Weapon

Ice Orb
Tiger Amulet
Green Scroll
Wind Scroll
True Way of Musou
Dragon Arms

[Maximization Comments]
Consider weapon weight: Medium isn't much slower than Light. aren't really any practical gains from faster attacking speed of a Light weapon
Heavy attacking speed, is greatly reduced. short reach makes any sort of attacks risky in crowds.
Without Dragon Arms, there aren't really any methods that CONSISTENTLY allow Sun Ce to fill Musou safely. C3 requires some very interesting control limitations (which will not be discussed), C4 is a good scattering charge attack but sends him forward towards danger. C4 also has long recovery time. C5 has good 360 coverage, but is not enough to make the recovery safe. C6 is essentially a useless charge attack except for the very last hit.
best consideration in terms of consistent Musou filling is probably with Normal Attacks. Filling with charge attacks will either scatter the officer or force a wasted Musou for defense because of long recovery times, and his normal attack string has much higher fill potential than charge attacks.
not using the Dragon Arms then, Sun Ce can be successful by adopting Normal attack Musou filling method, with the idea of forced Musou every time (must plan for it to connect against officers once Musou is filled) -- This method leads to a short Musou bar.
With the Dragon Arms, Sun Ce can have distinct Musou filling and Musou offense phases, by abusing C4, and canceling its recovery time. This reduces the chance of wasted Musous for a more consistent offense, and allows for Sun Ce to have a longer Musou bar.
C4 should be the main move for Musou filling.
Cancel the recovery time directly after the execution of C4. Either jump backwards, or do a quick Jump Attack
C4 still has an execution time that can't be ignored, so he can't just go straight to C4 in all crowd sizes without getting hit - run for a bit to lead crowds so that he enters crowds at the beginning of his C4 - lead time isn't much, because his first few normal attacks are quick.
C4 scattering is very useful to isolate officers for a successful Musou
Sun Ce's Musou has low strike frequency coupled with short reach. usually hard to juggle officers successfully in the middle of massive crowds.
Equip Ice Orb for double Musou damage
C3 best move to attempt ice
Since C3 is somewhat risky in large crowds, C4 scattering plays an important role with isolating officers
fill Musou with normal attacks against small crowds, when it can be safely executed.
offense analysis for Sun Ce depends greatly on crowd size. The best scenario requires the crowds to be large enough such that filling is very fast with C4, and yet small enough that C4 scattering will successfully scatter crowds and isolate officers long enough for a C3 attempt.
C4 method of Musou filling can be time consuming if crowds are too small. If the first C4 doesn't fill, the crowds end up being successively scattered, leading to wasted running time to cluster them up again. In such crowd sizes, such that they aren't small enough to ignore, and go one on one against officers, can force Sun Ce to have a long offense.
C5 is useful to reach behind blocking officers, to set up for a fire Musou. Very useful for juggling high defense officers with fire.
Regular Musou ending has very long lag time. makes Sun Ce very poor against multiple officers. Consider equipping the Way of Musou in a stage like Mt Qi. Or just get him into Red health and play it out the cheap way =P
interesting note: Spamming C1 and JC and alternating them continuously works in quite a large range of crowds sizes. I don't think there's much practical application of this though as it fills quite slowly, and the crowd size that it does work in, seems to be the ideal crowd size for his C4.

[Tier List Comments]
Sun Ce is a low tier character
Musou juggling has inconsistencies against officers in large crowds
C4 Musou filling speed depends on crowd size -- offense can be slow at times
poor performance in melee confusion
not much downgrade when archers are present
very very poor against multiple officers
good against mounted officers


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