God of War Ragnarok - The Barrens All Collectible Locations (Chests, Artifacts, Ravens) - 100%

Описание к видео God of War Ragnarok - The Barrens All Collectible Locations (Chests, Artifacts, Ravens) - 100%

God of War Ragnarok has 418 Collectibles - 38 Artifacts, 80 Lore, 48 Odin's Ravens, 35 Nornir Chests, 53 Legendary Chests, 47 Favors, 15 Yggdrasil Rifts, 10 Berserker Gravestones, 6 Draugr Holes, 10 Remnants of Asgard, 6 Hel Tears, 9 Realms in Bloom Flowers, 6 Lindwyrms, 4 Stags of All Seasons, 15 Muspelheim Trials, 10 Treasure Maps, 14 Relics, 5 Shields, 7 Jewels of Yggdrasil.

Finding all collectible locations unlocks all Trophies including Platinum. All trophies come automatically when going for 100% completion.

God of War Ragnarok Collectible Guide Playlist:
   • God of War Ragnarok Collectible Guide  

Full Overview & Text Guides:

Nothing is missable! You can collect everything after the story in free-roam.
This all-in-one guide shows all collectibles per region. There's a collectible tracker on the map for each region. By following this walkthrough you'll get 100% game completion and all trophies including platinum.

This guide assumes that you have already beaten the story. It's recommended that you collect everything after the story in free-roam because some collectibles require skills that are unlocked later in the game. In many areas it's impossible to get all collectibles on the first visit. There are a few areas you can't go back to but none of them have collectibles.


#1 - Favor: Secret of the Sands - 0:00
#2 - Artifact (Tributes to Freyr - Harp) - 0:41
#3 - Legendary Chest (Rönd of Affliction - Shield Attachment) - 1:08
#4 - Remnants of Asgard - 1:26
#5 - Berserker Gravestone - 2:13
#6 - Lore (Lore Marker - Gulon Cull) - 3:06
#7 - Buried Treasure (Treasure Map - Vulture’s Gold) - 3:16
#8 - Lore (Lore Marker - The Desert of Our Ignorance) - 3:40
#9 - Artifact (Kvasir’s Poems - Celestial Construct) - 4:02
#10 - Legendary Chest (Belt of Radiance - Waist Armor) - 4:20
#11 - Odin’s Raven - 4:30
#12 - Nornir Chest - 5:07
#13 - Lore (Lore Marker - The Tower’s Purpose) - 6:36
#14 - Artifact (Tributes to Freyr - Horn) - 7:00
#15 - Odin’s Raven - 7:08
#16 - Lore (The Lost Pages) - 7:22
#17 - Legendary Chest (Gauntlets of Radiance: Wrist Armor) - 7:31
#18 - Draugr Hole (Chaos Spark) - 7:42

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