1948 - Berlin, Clay Sees No War Despite Blockade - 250037-07

Описание к видео 1948 - Berlin, Clay Sees No War Despite Blockade - 250037-07

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[1948 - Berlin, Clay Sees No War Despite Blockade, Jul48]
00:19:26 Crowd in street listening.
00:19:39 British & ?? flags raised on two poles in front of large building. CU sign: Kommandatura Berlin. US military officer & civilian into building.
00:19:48 Long table w/ military & civilian VIPs & stacks of papers for meeting. MCU Russian military delegates; British officer.
00:19:58 Empty railroad tracks; MCU w/ weeds.
00:20:05 Sign: Helmstedt. US Zone. British Zone. Russian Zone. swish pan to...
00:20:08 General Clay at desk in front of US & NATO (?) flags.
00:20:15 SOF. Off screen: “In your opinion is there any danger of war, General? Clay: “I would not like to minimize the seriousness of the situation in Germany. In such a situation there is always a danger. I consider it a small danger, because the peoples involved do not really want war.
00:20:35 SOF. Off screen: “Do you think Russia wants war? Clay: “I do not believe any people any (black slug). supplies to the Russian people. Is it possible the Americans will be forced out of Berlin? “We are not going to be forced out of Berlin.” Off screen: “Will you be able to continue the present air supply indefinitely?” Clay: “We will increase it, and we will continue it indefinitely.” Off screen: “Is Germany more inclined to Communism or Democracy?” Clay: “Germany is definitely anti-Communist. I believe it is learning the way to Democracy.”


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