Why I Decided to Stop Wearing Makeup

Описание к видео Why I Decided to Stop Wearing Makeup

For a while now, I knew that to experience complete relief for my eye issues, I would have to stop wearing eye-makeup. But with having such genetically dark circles, I didn't want to believe it. How could I be in public with such dark circles? At times in the past, when I wouldn't wear makeup, people always thought I was depressed, sick, or that something traumatic happened. But as the Holy Spirit kept pressing it upon my heart, I knew it was time...

So on Sept. 20, 2024, I went out in public without any makeup, and I'm so glad I did. I actually went to my daughter's PTA picnic and saw all her friend's parents, but didn't feel embarrassed at all. It actually felt great. What a relief it has been! Thank you Yeshua!

We are all unique and beautiful. That's the way God created us, so we should love ourselves just the way we are for we are created in His image. This video is not telling women that they shouldn't wear makeup. It's to relay the message that one should obey when they hear that still, small voice. Holy Spirit will never tell you to do something that will hurt or harm you. It may seem crazy, far-fetched, laughable, or even impossible, but if you obey, he will bless you and you WILL reap the rewards!


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