Acts Episode 8 Paul - Eyewitness Bible Series

Описание к видео Acts Episode 8 Paul - Eyewitness Bible Series

Characters: Paul

Primary Scriptures: Acts 9

Story Summary: Paul’s conversion and his early years as a Christian

Location: Roman Empire; Damascus, Jerusalem, Antioch, Tarsus

Time: 30 AD Death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Pentecost. 33 AD (?) Paul becomes a Christian 40 AD (?) Cornelius becomes a Christian 46 AD Paul’s “famine” visit to Jerusalem, start of First Missionary Journey

After Cornelius was converted by Peter, it was clear God wanted people of all ethnic groups to become Christians. Peter was willing for that to happen, but did not seem to make it a priority. However, God had long ago decided that a young Jewish leader would head up the task of taking the Gospel message to the entire world.

Saul of Tarsus, better known today as Paul, was the man Jesus chose to lead evangelistic efforts to those outside the Jewish community. This episode is told from the vantage point of Paul as a younger man, just before the First Missionary Journey, and before he has endured intense persecution, or written any of his letters and books in the New Testament.

The Bible introduces Paul when Stephen was stoned. Apparently, Paul led the stoning of Stephen, and later became authorized by the Jewish leaders to kill other Christians in an effort to thwart the growth of the Church. Later in the Bible, Paul is described as being a leading Pharisee with a strong educational background.

Paul was on his way to Damascus to persecute the Christians when Jesus intervened. Jesus temporarily blinded Paul, and Paul had to be led into the city. Ananias was sent to lead Paul to repentance and convert him to Christianity. Paul immediately became a dedicated Christian and began evangelizing to other Jews. He had to escape Damascus with the help of the Christians.

Galatians 1:16-18 describes Paul’s three years in Arabia, but it does not say when these three years occurred.

With the help of Barnabas, Paul was introduced to the Christian leaders in Jerusalem, who slowly accepted him. You can imagine their reluctance to embrace him; it wasn’t that long ago he had killed and persecuted them.

Paul ended this phase of life in his hometown of Tarsus, where he would stay for many years while waiting to start his active ministry to the Gentiles.

Eyewitness Bible Series


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