2. La Vera Sibilla Oracle to clarify TAROT FOR BEGINNERS

Описание к видео 2. La Vera Sibilla Oracle to clarify TAROT FOR BEGINNERS

Hi! This is Christelle Martinette, I’m a psychic, Soul counsellor, channeler and reader. This is another video in the series TAROT FOR BEGINNERS. This video is about using La Vera Sibilla as clarifiers. Will be back monthly with these, each with a different theme.
Check out my Facebook page CHRISTELLE MARTINETTE and Instagram account: @CHRISTELLEMARTINETTE.
Here are links to my services:
Readings: https://www.christellemartinette.com/...
Past Life Regression: https://www.christellemartinette.com/...
Channeling: https://www.christellemartinette.com/...
Soul Therapy: https://www.christellemartinette.com/...
White Magick: https://www.christellemartinette.com/...
Much love and light,


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