Metroid Dread Tutorial - Camera Lock for Early Screw Attack w/ Speed Booster

Описание к видео Metroid Dread Tutorial - Camera Lock for Early Screw Attack w/ Speed Booster

Quickly made, but fairly exhaustive video on the first application of a new glitch including concept, routing changes, execution tips, and other optimizations.

Using a glitch to repeat the melee tutorial, we can break the tutorial and lock the camera in one room. The camera view normally follows Samus and determines which actors are loaded in on a room by room basis. Actors encompass every object that isn't just solid collision including cutscene triggers, doors, breakable blocks, enemies, water, spider walls, pressure pads, flippers, etc. After activating this, we can move wherever we want in Artaria, and deactivate it using a shine spark to reset the camera back to Samus.

Using this we can reach the Artaria to Burenia elevator near screw attack. This elevator is normally unreachable unless the elevator is taken from Burenia due to a 1 way missile door. By getting in here we can charge speed booster in this area, access the normally inaccessible missile tank for 100%, and use the diffusion mass from behind to get screw attack. This method does not require any precise shine clips, but does require blind movement through Artaria. This may or may not be faster than the shine sink clipping method currently used for any%, but allowing 100% to obtain SA early is a big leap.

We've only just found this first instance of camera detachment, but other methods to detach (not restricted to Artaria), other methods to reattach (not requiring speed booster), or other uses for this current method (steal omega cannon from EMMI 1) all could be possible and create more potential skips.


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