I bought a new car | Mazda 929

Описание к видео I bought a new car | Mazda 929

I had to publish this video few months ago but I forgot about it 😅
So. In 10.2022 I bought this Mazda 929 HC. In video I will tell you everything about this car.
1 month later sh*t happend to me and I had aquaplaning with this car and I hit another car. That was happen at slow speed and I did nothing to other car but I damaged my so hard because under bumper there was no bumper holding! I felt tricked and mad because guy sold me uncompleted car and today there is nowhere another part to this car :(
But I didn't give up and already I welded by my own a new (amatour but still) bumper holding and now I'm at finishing of body works and whole car :)


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