Cyberpunk 2077 Part 1 - Corporate Assassination

Описание к видео Cyberpunk 2077 Part 1 - Corporate Assassination

Mission Report #491423:
Operator: Aidan Cooke
Race: Tenno
Currently Active: Night City, California (Unknown Time Period)
Current Transference Subject: V


Transference with the Subject was successful. I have managed to gain a strong foothold o his mind. I should be able to steer him in the right directions according to this reality's timeline. Hopefully, I won't be gunned down, I suppose it doesn't matter either way, resurrection is child's play for a Tenno such as me, but it is still highly taxing for me to use. If possible might I request higher pay to get the equipment I need to.....eliminate any resistance. Much appreciated...I shall begin my task again very soon. The Corporate ladder this 'V' was apart seems to of cut him loose. It's not a big issue, however it does make things more difficult, I have assistance in this world though through this 'V's friend Jackie, he seems to be a very trustworthy a 'shoot first get the job done now' way.

Kind Regards,
Aidan Cooke


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