What is anaesthesia? (close-captioned)

Описание к видео What is anaesthesia? (close-captioned)

Anaesthesia is one of the greatest discoveries of modern medicine. In fact, many of today’s operations, especially for the very young, very old, or very ill would not be possible without it.

Most people will need the care of an anaesthetist at some stage in their lives. But it's one of those things we don't really think about until we need it.

We've created this video about what anaesthetist does and how general anaesthesia works, to help you feel more relaxed about having a surgical procedure under general anaesthetic

Australia and New Zealand are two of the safest places in the world to have a general anaesthetic. And all anaesthetists are highly trained specialist doctors.

Your anaesthetist will have worked for at least two years as a junior doctor after finishing medical school, then complete at least five years of training to become a specialist anaesthetist.

To find out more about anaesthesia and the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, please visit our website. www.anzca.edu.au


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