Marcel Dupré - Vêpres du Commun des Fêtes de la Sainte Vierge - Op.18 (Score Video)

Описание к видео Marcel Dupré - Vêpres du Commun des Fêtes de la Sainte Vierge - Op.18 (Score Video)

Ben Van Oosten plays Vêpres du Commun des Fêtes de la Sainte Vierge, Op.18 by Marcel Dupré on the Cavaillé-Coll organ at Saint-Ouen in Rouen.

0:00 Antiphon 1: While the King Sitteth at His Table
3:34 Antiphon 2: His Left Hand Is Under My Head, and His Right Hand Doth Embrace Me
6:02 Antiphon 3: I am Black but Comely, O Ye Daughters of Jerusalem
9:34 Antiphon 4: Lo, the Winter is Past
10:58 Antiphon 5: How Fair and How Pleasant Art Thou
13:14 Ave Maris Stella 1: When the Salutation Gabriel Had Spoken
14:34 Ave Maris Stella 2: Jesus Tender Mother, Make Thy Supplication
16:27 Ave Maris Stella 3: So Now as We Journey, Aid Our Weak Endeavor
19:03 Ave Maris Stella 4: Amen (Finale)
21:13 Magnificat 1: My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord
23:50 Magnificat 2: For Behold from Henceforth All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed
26:11 Magnificat 3: And His Mercy Is on Them That Fear Him Throughout All Generations
27:47 Magnificat 4: He Hath Put Down the Mighty from Their Seat (Cantilena)
30:35 Magnificat 5: He Remembring His Mercy Hath Holpen His Servant Israel
34:45 Magnificat 6: Gloria (Finale)


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